So as summer rolled around and brought the rainy showers of boredom all over Cornwall, I had to find a way to keep myself entertained. What better way to pass the rainy days then with the shit hot television series Firefly (which had been recommended to me. After 14 episodes of top quality action, acting and story telling, I was eager to watch the next series and find out just what happens to these characters that I spent the better half of a week getting to know. But by the powers that be the show had been cancelled after just one measly series, which I can look back on now and laugh at how I reacted to this news. But at the time I was a deathly silence, the type of silence your parents gave you as a kid when you really fucked up and knew it.
On the back of this news I was eager not to give up on the series that had such great concept ideas, so I started to model my own version of a "Ship" based on the design on a dragonfly (since the ship in the series had been based off a firefly-hence the name)and I also modelled a relatively simple earth:
and off the back off watching JJ Abrams Star Trek, I added a tiny bit of lens flare.
As for the ship design I looked at films like Star Trek and Sunshine (Danny Boyle, 2007), but since these films all had pristene looking ships, I wanted to make mine look more 'homemade', cheap and a bit more brutish. Anywho, the ship is still a work in progress but i'm very happy with how its looking and when its finish I am going to combine it with the earth and have it fly towards the planet, in a sort of opening title sort of way. Here and some photos and a turn around - any feed back, any at all would be schweeeet.